SOAR analysis

What is SOAR Analysis?

SOAR analysis is a strategic planning technique which helps organizations focus on their current strengths and opportunities, and create a vision of future aspirations and the result they will bring.

In contrast to SWOT analysis, the SOAR model uses appreciative inquiry to focus the business on what is known to work, rather than internal weaknesses or perceived threats that might not eventuate.

The output from a SOAR analysis is a set of actions that leverage strengths and opportunities to strive for shared aspirations with measurable results. It provides a basis for further in-depth analysis using other business tools.

Why Do a SOAR Analysis?

SOAR analysis is a powerful tool to bring stakeholders together to recognize the potential of the organization and create a shared vision of the future. 

Building on strengths requires less effort and resources than trying to correct weaknesses, as people find it more engaging and exciting to focus their attention on positives rather than negatives. It lends itself well to help individual team members develop their own development and career plans.

The technique is more action oriented than a SWOT analysis and is focussed on outcomes. 

Who Can Use a SOAR Analysis?

A SOAR analysis is a good option for new, less developed organizations. It works for everyone, no matter what position or level they hold and can include both employees and external stakeholders. It applies to:

  • All industries
  • All levels of an organization
  • Existing and new businesses
  • Companies striving for breakthroughs rather than gradual improvement
  • Individuals as part of their development plans

Use the SOAR model to:

  • To explore new initiatives
  • To develop a strategic plan and during annual strategy reviews
  • To focus and redirect efforts and resources
  • As part of a leadership development program
  • To plan an individual’s career or develop their performance plan

Related Templates

Tips on Using the SOAR Analysis Template

SOAR Analysis Template & Example Questions

A SOAR analysis template is structured as a simple 2 x 2 matrix, resulting in four quadrants highlighting Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results. This is a simple but effective strategic planning tool that identifies the strengths of your organisation and how these can be leverage against existing opportunities. You can define the aspirations and what you want to see in the future and what results you want to measure. The template below provides examples of questions that can be asked as you move everyone through the process.

GroupMap’s SOAR analysis template lets people brainstorm independently or collaboratively, prioritise the most important aspects and provides you with a process from ideation to execution. This can be done face to face in the same room with everyone, on remote online meetings through to global events – Example of SOAR Analysis (Global Conference)


What the organization does well, along with its key assets, resources, capabilities, and accomplishments.

Example questions:

  • What do we excel at?
  • What are our greatest accomplishments?
  • What are we most proud of?
  • What makes us unique?
  • What do we provide that is world class?
  • What strengths are most valuable in our marketplace?
  • What do we do or have that’s better than anyone else?


An expression of what you want to be and achieve in the future. A vision to build on current strengths, provide inspiration, and challenge the current situation.

Example questions:

  • What do we want to achieve in the future?
  • What should our future business look like?
  • How can we make a difference?
  • What are we passionate about?
  • What strategies and actions support our perfect future self?


Circumstances that your team could leverage for success, eg. to improve profitability, market share, or competitive edge.

Example questions:

  • What partnerships would lead to greater success?
  • What changes and trends in the market align with our strengths?
  • What threats do we see that we could reframe as opportunities?
  • What needs and wants are we currently not fulfilling for our internal and external stakeholders?
  • Are there gaps in the market that we could fill?


Tangible outcomes and measures that demonstrate you’ve achieved your goals and aspirations.

Example questions:

  • What measures will tell us we are on track to achieve success?
  • How do we translate our vision of success into tangible outcomes?
  • How do we know when we’ve achieved our goals?

How to Complete a SOAR Analysis Effectively

To get the best possible outcomes from your SOAR analysis, choose participants with a broad range of perspectives. The group should consist of people from across different departments within your organization and could even include other stakeholders such as clients, suppliers, and partners.

If it’s difficult to get all participants in one place at the same time, screen sharing software and video conferencing allow facilitators to use traditional brainstorming tools like poster paper, whiteboards, and sticky notes. However, making sure everyone’s ideas are incorporated and transcribing, collating and prioritizing can be challenging. Online collaboration software such as GroupMap solves many of these problems and provides an efficient way to include, and consolidate all relevant information in real time.

You can also create separate SOAR Analysis for different smaller teams to allow them to create their own versions and perceptions to be shared with the larger group, then consolidate to get the whole group persepctive.


Define a clear, one sentence objective for the SOAR analysis.


Gather input and ideas


Clarify content, group similar ideas, and delete duplicates.


Vote and prioritize ideas according to impact on the organization.

Action Planning

Create an action plan assigning responsibility for each issue to a group or individual.


Share outcomes, including the action plan with relevant stakeholders.


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GroupMap offers more than just an online digital whiteboard—it’s innovative platform is designed to enhance the quality of your team’s decisions. With features that prevent bias and make facilitation seamless, GroupMap ensures no single voice dominates and ensures productive, inclusive conversations. 

Its intuitive interface is easy for anyone to use, and its scalable design supports small teams and large groups whether they are face to face or around the globe. Customisable templates and workflows keep discussions focused on objectives, helping you drive actionable outcomes each and every time.

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