Fishbone (Ishikawa) Root Cause Analysis

What is a Fishbone (Ishikawa) Root Cause Analysis?

The Fishbone (Ishikawa) Root Cause Analysis is a collaborative tool used to systematically identify and analyze the potential causes of a specific problem or challenge. 

Named for its resemblance to a fish’s skeleton, this diagram visually organizes potential causes into categories to pinpoint the root issue more effectively.

The key components of the Fishbone Root Cause Analysis are:

The Fish Head: This is the main problem or issue you want the group to analyze.

The Spine: These are the main categories or broad areas where causes might lie. These can either be created as a standard in advance, or determined when different issues are raised. They can then be reorganized under each bone to determine the category.

The Bones : These are the specific issues that are creating the problem that need to be addressed.

Why do a Fishbone (Ishikawa) Root Cause Analysis?

  • It provides a structured yet creative way to identify the root causes of a problem.
  • Teams can visually break down complex problems into manageable and actionable pieces.
  • It encourages diverse perspectives and input, ensuring that all potential factors are considered.
  • With an in-built timer, discussions remain focused and time-efficient.
  • Rather than addressing the symptoms of an issue or challenge, you can drill down towards a cause. This means that the action you take is more targeted and effective.

Tips for Facilitating an Effective Fishbone Root Cause Analysis

Who should do an Fishbone (Ishikawa) Root Cause Analysis?

A Fishbone Root Cause Analysis is ideal for teams looking to solve complex problems collaboratively such as:

  • Quality assurance and control teams identifying and addressing defects or errors in products or processes.

  • Cross functional teams that have a shared problem.

  • Agile teams aiming to resolve blockers and bottlenecks.

  • Operational teams looking to improve operational efficiency and minimizing downtime.

  • Customer service teams trying to identify the root causes of customer complaints or low satisfaction scores.

  • Product development teams enhancing product design and resolving issues for new product launches.

  • Health and safety teams investigating workplace accidents or health hazards.

  • IT security teams troubleshooting system failures or security vulnerabilities.

  • Education teams looking for gaps in training programs or student performance.

  • Health care teams addressing patient care issues or inefficiencies in medical procedures.

Common Fishbone Analysis Formats

How to Run a Fishbone (Ishikawa) Root Cause Analysis

Firstly, identify and describe the key issue that you want the team to consider. This now becomes the head of the Fish.

If you have already selected a common format (As explained above) or have created your own, add these categories to the Spine of the Fish. Otherwise, you can simply ask participants to brainstorm freely on any section, and then sort and categorize these later.

Describe the problem to the team and ensure that they understand the issue and have asked any questions they need to clarify.

Have the team brainstorm as many potential causes (one cause per card) and add them to the Ishikawa Diagram. Once the time has passed or there are clear causes identified, have the group review and categorize them as needed. You can use votes to see where people believe the root causes lie.

Finally, based on the identified root cause ( or root causes) ask the group to create potential action items that can be put in place to address each cause. Discuss each action in turn and then assign importance and ownership. You have now completed a root cause analysis.

Scene Setting

Clearly define the problem to be addressed. Add categories if desired.


List causes on each card along the spine.


Discuss and group any common causes for each category.


Have the team vote on the root causes of the problem that need to be addressed.

Action Plan

Identify actions for each cause. Assign owners and due dates.


Share the outcomes of the session, including the action plan.


Save Effort, Time and Money with GroupMap

GroupMap offers more than just an online digital whiteboard—it’s innovative platform is designed to enhance the quality of your team’s decisions. With features that prevent bias and make facilitation seamless, GroupMap ensures no single voice dominates and ensures productive, inclusive conversations. 

Its intuitive interface is easy for anyone to use, and its scalable design supports small teams and large groups whether they are face to face or around the globe. Customisable templates and workflows keep discussions focused on objectives, helping you drive actionable outcomes each and every time.

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Lean Coffee


What is Lean Coffee?

The Lean Coffee is a meeting where the participants build the agenda in real time by proposing topics for discussion.

Each item is discussed in priority order for a fixed time before deciding if more time is needed, an action can be created or resolved.

This kanban style meeting approach allows the team to stay engaged throughout the whole meeting while keeping the conversation dynamic and flowing.

Lean Coffee has basic columns:

  • To Discuss: What topics should we discuss?
  • In Progress: The current topic being discussed.
  • Discussed: These topics have been discussed.

Why Do a Lean Coffee?

Some of the reasons for running a lean coffee in GroupMap are:

  • It offers structured discussions with flexibility for participant-driven topics.
  • You can choose the level of anonymity depending on how comfortable the team feels.
  • You can easily facilitate discussions one at a time with an in-built timer.
  • People can comment on each idea in real time to further encourage engagement and discussion.
  • It helps foster team work, collaboration and communication as well as a problem solving mindset.

Lean Coffee formats are a great way to help teams reflect, prioritize challenges, and celebrate successes. The outcomes are a shared understanding of what’s next, clear action items, and a stronger sense of ownership across the team.

Tips for an Effective Lean Coffee

Who Should Use a Lean Coffee Template?

A Lean Coffee retrospective is perfect for teams that value structured yet flexible discussions. It’s especially useful for teams looking to explore a wide range of ideas or tackle pressing challenges in an open, democratic environment.

Teams that thrive on collaboration and prefer discussions over rigid processes will benefit most from a Lean Coffee template. 

For cross-functional groups, agile teams, or any setting where diverse perspectives need to be heard, the Lean Coffee lets everyone contribute to ensure their voices are heard and issues that are on their mind can be raised.

How to Run a Lean Coffee Retrospective

There is very little preparation needed to run a Lean Coffee. That’s part of the charm. Simply choose the Lean coffee template in GroupMap to get started. Then follow the steps below.

Share the theme

Share the focus of the session, such as Process Improvement or Team Challenges.


Encourage participants to add their topics in the “To Discuss” column. Use anonymity options to help everyone contribute openly.


Allocate votes to allow everyone to vote on their top priorities.


Set the timer and discuss each topic in priority order.


At the end of each discussion round, decide if more time is needed, an action can be created, or the topic can be moved to Done.


Save Effort, Time and Money with GroupMap

GroupMap offers more than just an online digital whiteboard—it’s innovative platform is designed to enhance the quality of your team’s decisions. With features that prevent bias and make facilitation seamless, GroupMap ensures no single voice dominates and ensures productive, inclusive conversations. 

Its intuitive interface is easy for anyone to use, and its scalable design supports small teams and large groups whether they are face to face or around the globe. Customisable templates and workflows keep discussions focused on objectives, helping you drive actionable outcomes each and every time.

Create your first map and invite people in to start sharing their thoughts NOW.
Experience the power of GroupMap with our FREE 14 day trial.

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Celebration Grid – Management 3.0


What is Celebration Grid?

The Celebration Grid Template is a powerful tool to help teams reflect on their activities, recognize both successes and failures, and extract valuable learnings.

Created by Jurgen Appelo, Management 3.0, it encourages a growth mindset and continuous improvement by treating all experiences as opportunities for learning. The Celebration Grid divides actions into three main regions: Experiments, Practices, and Mistakes.

Why Use Celebration Grid?

The Celebration Grid allows for:

Enhanced Team Learning:

  • Systematically review and improve practices by categorizing actions into successes, failures, and learnings.
  • Encourage experimentation and innovation without fear of failure.

Improved Team Morale and Collaboration:

  • Boost team morale by regularly acknowledging successes.
  • Create a supportive culture by viewing failures as learning opportunities.

Structured Reflection:

  • Organize actions clearly for easier analysis and insights.
  • Ensure consistent reflection and alignment with team goals.

Who Should Use Celebration Grid?

The Celebration Grid Template is ideal for:

  • Project Managers and Teams
  • Agile and Scrum Teams
  • Team Leaders and Facilitators
  • Organizations aiming to foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation

Tips for Running an Agile Celebration Grid

Celebration Grid Retrospective Template

How to Run a Celebration Grid Retrospective

  • Mistakes: Errors and missteps that occurred during activities. This region emphasizes learning from mistakes to prevent them in the future.
    • Successes: Rarely applicable but might include recognizing and quickly correcting a mistake.
    • Failures: Instances where mistakes led to negative outcomes.
  • Experiments: Activities where the outcome was unknown and innovation was attempted. This region highlights the importance of taking risks and trying new approaches.
    • Successes: Successful outcomes of experiments.
    • Failures: Unsuccessful outcomes, offering insights for future attempts.
    • Learnings: Lessons derived from the process, regardless of success or failure.
  • Practices: Established methods and routines that the team follows. This region focuses on the effectiveness and efficiency of regular practices.
    • Successes: Practices that consistently yield positive results.
    • Failures: Practices that did not achieve the desired outcome.


Discuss and populate each section of the agile retrospective template.


Discuss and group any common themes.

Action Plan

Identify actions for each priority idea. Assign responsibility and timeframes to a group or individual.


Share the outcomes of the session, including the action plan, to relevant stakeholders.


Save Effort, Time and Money with GroupMap

GroupMap offers more than just an online digital whiteboard—it’s innovative platform is designed to enhance the quality of your team’s decisions. With features that prevent bias and make facilitation seamless, GroupMap ensures no single voice dominates and ensures productive, inclusive conversations. 

Its intuitive interface is easy for anyone to use, and its scalable design supports small teams and large groups whether they are face to face or around the globe. Customisable templates and workflows keep discussions focused on objectives, helping you drive actionable outcomes each and every time.

Create your first map and invite people in to start sharing their thoughts NOW.
Experience the power of GroupMap with our FREE 14 day trial.

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Hackathon Canvas

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What is a Hackathon Canvas?

A Hackathon Canvas is a visual and strategic planning tool designed to help organise a successful hackathon event.

Hackathons are a popular way for people to network, learn new skills, and collaborate on innovative projects. They have been used to create new products, solve real-world problems, and even launch new companies.

They require careful planning to ensure that the event runs smoothly and achieves its goals.

Why Use a Hackathon Canvas?

A Hackathon Canvas can help take the effort out of organising a hackathon by helping to –

  • Break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable ones.
  • Provide a visual representation of the key components.
  • Provide a common language that can be used by all stakeholders.
  • Define the goals and objectives of the hackathon and ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal.
  • Identify the resources required to run the hackathon.

Who Needs a Hackathon Canvas?

  • Hackathon Event organizers
  • Innovation Managers
  • Start Up Consultants
  • Accelerators and Incubators
  • Internal think tanks
  • Judges, Sponsors and Mentors
Tips for Effective Hackathon Planning

How to Use a Hackathon Canvas

Ensure all stakeholders involved in the planning process have access to the Canvas. Using an online collaborative tool such as GroupMap allows those stakeholders to engage both in person and remotely. It can also allow for the group to share their input either synchronously or asynchronously depending on their availability.

It is best to start by defining the Hackathon Goals then moving to the section the group agrees to be the next most important.

Once all ideas are captured, actions can be defined that shape the agreed steps to the delivery of the hackathon itself.


Add ideas to each section of the Canvas.


Add action items to deliver the plan.


Share and communicate the plan.

Save Effort, Time and Money with GroupMap

GroupMap offers more than just an online digital whiteboard—it’s innovative platform is designed to enhance the quality of your team’s decisions. With features that prevent bias and make facilitation seamless, GroupMap ensures no single voice dominates and ensures productive, inclusive conversations. 

Its intuitive interface is easy for anyone to use, and its scalable design supports small teams and large groups whether they are face to face or around the globe. Customisable templates and workflows keep discussions focused on objectives, helping you drive actionable outcomes each and every time.

Create your first map and invite people in to start sharing their thoughts NOW.
Experience the power of GroupMap with our FREE 14 day trial.

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Startup Canvas

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What is a Startup Canvas?

A Startup Canvas is a one-page strategic planning tool used to help entrepreneurs define, realize and communicate their business model on a single page. 

This is a variation of the Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur. The Start Up Canvas was created by Maurya Ash, a notable start up adviser who varied the original model to be more focused on a new business.

Since then, more variations have been created. The one shown here includes a broad set of aspects for a start up including value, user acquisition and channels to market.

Why Use a Startup Canvas?

  • Defines your business model. You can see how the elements fit together and how one affects the other.
  • Improves focus and priorities. By honing in on the areas a start-up business needs most, you can be smarter with time and money.
  • Can identify gaps and opportunities. Working through each element challenges assumptions and can also spark new ideas.
  • It acts as a communication tool. A ‘one pager’ helps you communicate the vision to the team and investors.
  • Allows for easy iteration and refinement. You can easily change or update your canvas as you learn more or gain clarity.

Who Should Use Startup Canvas?

  • Start up teams
  • Entrepreneurs and start up founders
  • Business Consultants
  • Start up coaches and advisors
  • Investors
  • Educations in entrepreneurship and design thinking

Tips for Effective Startup Canvas

Startup Canvas Template

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How to Use a Startup Canvas

It all starts with your new business idea. You can start with a proposed name.

The criticl thing to define is the customer’s problem. From there, you can refine any solution/s you have in mind.

Identifying competitors helps develop an understanding of the current market landscape. Then list all the ways your solution brings value to solving the problem. Capture what you know to date and how you will create a minimum viable product. 

Next, define your ideal customers and how you attract them to your business. This step is crucial in knowing how you might market and position your product. 

Finally, decide on who you need in your team to accomplish the goals you have for your company and create the vision for your startup.


Start with the problem statement.


Group similar ideas into one.


For areas that need further discussion or research


See where people have voted.

Action Plan

Create a plan to validate assumptions, learn and iterate.


Save Effort, Time and Money with GroupMap

GroupMap offers more than just an online digital whiteboard—it’s innovative platform is designed to enhance the quality of your team’s decisions. With features that prevent bias and make facilitation seamless, GroupMap ensures no single voice dominates and ensures productive, inclusive conversations. 

Its intuitive interface is easy for anyone to use, and its scalable design supports small teams and large groups whether they are face to face or around the globe. Customisable templates and workflows keep discussions focused on objectives, helping you drive actionable outcomes each and every time.

Create your first map and invite people in to start sharing their thoughts NOW.
Experience the power of GroupMap with our FREE 14 day trial.

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4P Marketing Mix

What is the 4P Marketing Mix?

The 4P Marketing Mix is a popular framework used by marketers to define and develop marketing strategies. The 4P’s stand for Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, which are the four key elements that make up a successful marketing mix.

If offers an order that is simple to follow.

The first step is to define the product or service that you want to market. Next, determine the pricing strategy for the product. Then plan the promotion strategy for the product. Finally, identify the best channels for distributing and selling the product.

Why Use the 4P Marketing Mix?

  • It offers a comprehensive approach to planning as businesses can create a complete plan by considering all four elements.

  • By considering the needs and wants of customers, businesses can design a product or service that fits their demands and is priced, promoted, and distributed in an easy and accessible way.

  • Businesses can change the template to meet their needs and goals.

  • Tracking the effectiveness of the strategy lets businesses make data-driven decisions and tweak their approach.

Who Needs the 4P Marketing Mix?

Any business or organization that wants to develop and implement an effective marketing strategy would benefit from this approach. Small enterprises, large corporations, start-ups, and non-profit organizations are some examples of those that could benefit from using the 4P Marketing Mix.

Tips in Using the 4P Marketing Mix Effectively

4P Marketing Mix Template

How to Run a 4P Marketing Mix

Start by defining the product or service you will be marketing.

Then collaborate to determine the pricing model that will best meet the needs of the business and its target audience, Then discuss the most effective promotion channels and strategies.

After that, collaborate to find the most effective strategy to get the product into the hands of the target demographic. Lastly, put the marketing strategy into action and use metrics to measure how well it worked.


Brainstorm for each section


Vote on the ideas to take forward


Discuss and share results with stakeholders


Save Effort, Time and Money with GroupMap

GroupMap offers more than just an online digital whiteboard—it’s innovative platform is designed to enhance the quality of your team’s decisions. With features that prevent bias and make facilitation seamless, GroupMap ensures no single voice dominates and ensures productive, inclusive conversations. 

Its intuitive interface is easy for anyone to use, and its scalable design supports small teams and large groups whether they are face to face or around the globe. Customisable templates and workflows keep discussions focused on objectives, helping you drive actionable outcomes each and every time.

Create your first map and invite people in to start sharing their thoughts NOW.
Experience the power of GroupMap with our FREE 14 day trial.

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Corrective Action Plan

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What is a Corrective Action Plan?

A Corrective Action Plan is a systematic approach to addressing problems or issues that have been identified in a process, system, or project.

Why Use a Corrective Action Plan?

A Corrective Action Plan can be used when there is a need to address and improve an issue in the workplace. It could be the quality of a product or service, customer satisfaction, or the overall efficiency and effectiveness of a process or system.

It helps your organizations identify and address problems early on, before they become larger issues that can negatively impact the organization’s reputation, financial performance, and overall success.

Who Should Run One?

Anyone who is involved in a process or system can benefit from a corrective action plan. This includes

  • Individuals and teams responsible for quality control, risk management, and Six Sigma.
  • Project managers
  • Change agents and leaders
  • Team leaders and agile scrum masters

Related Templates

Tips for Effective Corrective Action Plans

Corrective Action Plan Template

How to Use the Corrective Action Plan Template

The Corrective Action Plan is a map designed to facilitate a collaborative approach to identifying and addressing issues in the workplace.

Start by making sure all stakeholders impacted by issues have access to the map. Using an online collaborative tool such as GroupMap allows those stakeholders to engage both in person and remotely. It can also allow for the group to share their input either synchronously or asynchronously depending on their availability.

As one section of the map leads to the next, it is best to work through it one column at a time. First have the group decide upon the top three issues it will discuss. Then have them settle on the corrective actions they will use to address them. Finally, have the group identify the various metrics that will be used to track success in the ‘Measurement’ column.


Add ideas one column at a time


Indicate which ideas you support


Share and implement agreed actions

Save Effort, Time and Money with GroupMap

GroupMap offers more than just an online digital whiteboard—it’s innovative platform is designed to enhance the quality of your team’s decisions. With features that prevent bias and make facilitation seamless, GroupMap ensures no single voice dominates and ensures productive, inclusive conversations. 

Its intuitive interface is easy for anyone to use, and its scalable design supports small teams and large groups whether they are face to face or around the globe. Customisable templates and workflows keep discussions focused on objectives, helping you drive actionable outcomes each and every time.

Create your first map and invite people in to start sharing their thoughts NOW.
Experience the power of GroupMap with our FREE 14 day trial.

Ready to start?

Your free trial gives you access to all of our features, no credit card required.

Plus Delta Retrospective

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What is a Plus Delta Retrospective?

The Plus Delta retrospective is a simple way to collect feedback from team members to support the continuous improvement of a certain process, activity, project, or event.

It gives team members a chance to express what they thought of the last sprint in very simple terms. This easy retrospective helps them focus on the positives, so the team can gain a sense of accomplishment, build confidence, learn from the things that went well, and change what didn’t.

Why Run One?

The Plus Delta template helps to:

  • Assess the effectiveness of a new process or system
  • Evaluate the results of a project
  • Review the performance of a team
  • Highlight areas of success
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Encourage feedback
  • Foster teamwork
  • Build trust
  • Identify and prioritize action items

<span data-buffer="">Who Should Use the Plus Delta Retrospective?<span data-metadata="">

The Plus Delta retrospective is a great tool to use with a newly formed agile team. It is a template that could be used by Scrum Masters and their agile software development teams.

It could also be used by any group looking to reflect on a process or project and improve.

Tips for an Effective Plus Delta Retrospective

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Plus Delta Retrospective Template

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