Hackathon Canvas

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What is a Hackathon Canvas?

A Hackathon Canvas is a visual and strategic planning tool designed to help organise a successful hackathon event.

Hackathons are a popular way for people to network, learn new skills, and collaborate on innovative projects. They have been used to create new products, solve real-world problems, and even launch new companies.

They require careful planning to ensure that the event runs smoothly and achieves its goals.

Why Use a Hackathon Canvas?

A Hackathon Canvas can help take the effort out of organising a hackathon by helping to –

  • Break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable ones.
  • Provide a visual representation of the key components.
  • Provide a common language that can be used by all stakeholders.
  • Define the goals and objectives of the hackathon and ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal.
  • Identify the resources required to run the hackathon.

Who Needs a Hackathon Canvas?

  • Hackathon Event organizers
  • Innovation Managers
  • Start Up Consultants
  • Accelerators and Incubators
  • Internal think tanks
  • Judges, Sponsors and Mentors
Tips for effective hackathon planning

How to Use a Hackathon Canvas

Ensure all stakeholders involved in the planning process have access to the Canvas. Using an online collaborative tool such as GroupMap allows those stakeholders to engage both in person and remotely. It can also allow for the group to share their input either synchronously or asynchronously depending on their availability.

It is best to start by defining the Hackathon Goals then moving to the section the group agrees to be the next most important.

Once all ideas are captured, actions can be defined that shape the agreed steps to the delivery of the hackathon itself.


Add ideas to each section of the Canvas.


Add action items to deliver the plan.


Share and communicate the plan.

Cross Device Compatibility

Save effort, time and money with GroupMap

Whether you have your best minds together in the same room, or distributed around the world, GroupMap’s unique technology allows groups of up to 2000 to submit ideas independently at separate times, from different places, in different timezones. Prevent dominant personalities swaying the group, drowning out the opinions of others – GroupMap allows everyone to brainstorm independently then effortlessly combines that information to reveal the full spectrum of ideas. GroupMap templates keep the objective front and center throughout the session, keeping everyone on task. This ensures the activity identifies actionable issues rather than becoming just a discussion on ideas. GroupMap gives you all the group decision making tools you need to prioritize, decide and take action.

Create your first map and invite people in to start sharing their thoughts right NOW. Experience the power of GroupMap with our 14-day, no risk, FREE trial. You don’t even need to provide your credit card details to access to all of our features, including the entire suite of templates, for a full 14 days.

Startup Canvas

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What is a Startup Canvas?

A Startup Canvas is a one-page strategic planning tool used to help entrepreneurs define, realize and communicate their business model on a single page. 

This is a variation of the Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur. The Start Up Canvas was created by Maurya Ash, a notable start up adviser who varied the original model to be more focused on a new business.

Since then, more variations have been created. The one shown here includes a broad set of aspects for a start up including value, user acquisition and channels to market.

Why use a Startup Canvas?​

  • Defines your business model. You can see how the elements fit together and how one affects the other.
  • Improves focus and priorities. By honing in on the areas a start-up business needs most, you can be smarter with time and money.
  • Can identify gaps and opportunities. Working through each element challenges assumptions and can also spark new ideas.
  • It acts as a communication tool. A ‘one pager’ helps you communicate the vision to the team and investors.
  • Allows for easy iteration and refinement. You can easily change or update your canvas as you learn more or gain clarity.

Who Should Use Startup Canvas?

  • Start up teams
  • Entrepreneurs and start up founders
  • Business Consultants
  • Start up coaches and advisors
  • Investors
  • Educations in entrepreneurship and design thinking
Tips for the Startup Canvas

Startup Canvas template

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How to Use a Startup Canvas

It all starts with your new business idea. You can start with a proposed name.

The criticl thing to define is the customer’s problem. From there, you can refine any solution/s you have in mind.

Identifying competitors helps develop an understanding of the current market landscape. Then list all the ways your solution brings value to solving the problem. Capture what you know to date and how you will create a minimum viable product. 

Next, define your ideal customers and how you attract them to your business. This step is crucial in knowing how you might market and position your product. 

Finally, decide on who you need in your team to accomplish the goals you have for your company and create the vision for your startup.


Start with the problem statement.


Group similar ideas into one.


For areas that need further discussion or research


See where people have voted.

Action Plan

Create a plan to validate assumptions, learn and iterate.

Cross Device Compatibility

Save effort, time and money with GroupMap

Whether you have your best minds together in the same room, or distributed around the world, GroupMap’s unique technology allows groups of up to 2000 to submit ideas independently at separate times, from different places, in different timezones. Prevent dominant personalities swaying the group, drowning out the opinions of others – GroupMap allows everyone to brainstorm independently then effortlessly combines that information to reveal the full spectrum of ideas. GroupMap templates keep the objective front and center throughout the session, keeping everyone on task. This ensures the activity identifies actionable issues rather than becoming just a discussion on ideas. GroupMap gives you all the group decision making tools you need to prioritize, decide and take action.

Create your first map and invite people in to start sharing their thoughts right NOW. Experience the power of GroupMap with our 14-day, no risk, FREE trial. You don’t even need to provide your credit card details to access to all of our features, including the entire suite of templates, for a full 14 days.

Plus Delta Retrospective

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What is a Plus Delta Retrospective?

The Plus Delta retrospective is a simple way to collect feedback from team members to support the continuous improvement of a certain process, activity, project, or event.

It gives team members a chance to express what they thought of the last sprint in very simple terms. This easy retrospective helps them focus on the positives, so the team can gain a sense of accomplishment, build confidence, learn from the things that went well, and change what didn’t.

Why Run One?

The Plus Delta template helps to:

  • Assess the effectiveness of a new process or system
  • Evaluate the results of a project
  • Review the performance of a team
  • Highlight areas of success
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Encourage feedback
  • Foster teamwork
  • Build trust
  • Identify and prioritize action items

Who Should Use the Plus Delta Retrospective?

The Plus Delta retrospective is a great tool to use with a newly formed agile team. It is a template that could be used by Scrum Masters and their agile software development teams.

It could also be used by any group looking to reflect on a process or project and improve.

Tips for an effective Plus Delta retrospective

Plus Delta Retrospective Template

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How to Run a Plus Delta Retrospective

The Plus Delta retrospective can help create a culture of continuous improvement within a team.

For teams that are working remotely or are located in different geographical locations, using an online collaborative tool like GroupMap can be an effective way to facilitate the process. It can create a shared space where team members can collaborate and contribute their ideas.

Start by sharing the Plus Delta template with the team members. Allow all team members to brainstorm ideas. They can contribute in real time or synchronously.

Once all team members have added their ideas to the Plus and Delta board, facilitate a discussion where the team can group the topics, discuss the items that have been added and identify areas for improvement. Prioritize the items in the delta column, and assign actions to team members to address them.

Use GroupMap to track progress, assign responsibilities, and set deadlines. Follow-up with team members to ensure that actions are being completed, and review progress in future meetings to assess the effectiveness of the changes made.


Populate each section of the template


Group similar ideas into one.


Vote on the key ideas you wish to action


Share and implement agreed actions


Share the outcomes of the session, including the action plan, to relevant stakeholders.

Cross Device Compatibility

Save effort, time and money with GroupMap

Whether you have your best minds together in the same room, or distributed around the world, GroupMap’s unique technology allows groups of up to 2000 to submit ideas independently at separate times, from different places, in different timezones. Prevent dominant personalities swaying the group, drowning out the opinions of others – GroupMap allows everyone to brainstorm independently then effortlessly combines that information to reveal the full spectrum of ideas. GroupMap templates keep the objective front and center throughout the session, keeping everyone on task. This ensures the activity identifies actionable issues rather than becoming just a discussion on ideas. GroupMap gives you all the group decision making tools you need to prioritize, decide and take action.

Create your first map and invite people in to start sharing their thoughts right NOW. Experience the power of GroupMap with our 14-day, no risk, FREE trial. You don’t even need to provide your credit card details to access to all of our features, including the entire suite of templates, for a full 14 days.

Mood Wall Ice Breaker

Mood Wall GroupMap with names as an icebreaker

What is a Mood Wall?

A Mood Wall is a simple tool that allows people to share their current emotional state or mood by placing their name on a board that displays a range of emoticons.

This is a powerful way to build empathy and get a sense of the energy and mindset of the people in the room.

Using a Mood Wall requires minimal setup. You can choose a range of emotions and simply have people add their names on the Wall. You can go the extra step by having them comment on why they feel that way. 

A Mood Wall can be a fun icebreaker that sets the tone for a collaborative and empathy-focused meeting.

Why use a Mood Wall?

Besides being a really simple way of getting everyone to check in and be present for the meeting, a Mood Wall can:

  • Encourage self reflection. Having people check in on their own feelings helps them become aware of their own emotional state as they start the meeting.
  • Encourages communication. People can share a single feeling and reason for their choice; this helps to break down barriers.
  • Builds empathy and understanding. By being aware of how the team is feeling, this can help people work better together.

When Should I Use a Mood Wall?

A Mood Wall can be used by meeting or workshop facilitators. It can also be used by teachers and lecturers. They are useful for:

  • Company meetings to encourage openness and collaboration.
  • Market research sessions for people to add their reactions.
  • Counselling or design thinking sessions to practice empathy.
  • Team building events to kick off a big workshop.
Tips for your Mood Wall Ice Breaker

Mood Wall Template

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How to Run a Mood Wall

Draw, print or write different emoticons on a large whiteboard or wall and hand out sticky notes to each person who can then add their names to the wall. Then invite each person to add their name to the emoticon that best reflects how they feel.

Alternatively, you can use an online brainstorming tool like GroupMap for both real-time and remote sessions. It can also be set up so that people add their names independently and are therefore not influenced by other people’s responses. You can then reveal the results in total to the whole group. This will reduce bias and anchoring.

Create the Mood Wall

Use the template to choose your emoticons.


People add their names to the relevant emoticon.


Get people to share why they are feeling that way today.

Cross Device Compatibility

Save effort, time and money with GroupMap

Whether you have your best minds together in the same room, or distributed around the world, GroupMap’s unique technology allows groups of up to 2000 to submit ideas independently at separate times, from different places, in different timezones. Prevent dominant personalities swaying the group, drowning out the opinions of others – GroupMap allows everyone to brainstorm independently then effortlessly combines that information to reveal the full spectrum of ideas. GroupMap templates keep the objective front and center throughout the session, keeping everyone on task. This ensures the activity identifies actionable issues rather than becoming just a discussion on ideas. GroupMap gives you all the group decision making tools you need to prioritize, decide and take action.

Create your first map and invite people in to start sharing their thoughts right NOW. Experience the power of GroupMap with our 14-day, no risk, FREE trial. You don’t even need to provide your credit card details to access to all of our features, including the entire suite of templates, for a full 14 days.

Icebreakers and Warm-ups


Why use an icebreaker?

Icebreakers are a great tool for launching collaborative sessions. They open the channels of communication, and help put people at ease by giving everyone a chance to contribute.

The value of icebreakers doesn’t stop there. They help set the tone for a session. They let the facilitator model collaborative behavior. They can also establish common ground between participants which helps foster spaces in which people are happy to share.

A good icebreaker should be so simple that people can respond almost instantly. They aim to get a response rather than a right answer. Icebreakers should be inclusive. They should apply to everyone in the group so they all get the chance to contribute positively. 

Everything that’s said during an icebreaker can help build a connection. That’s why asking people to explain their input is giving them a chance to connect. The best thing about these new connections is that they start a conversational momentum that carries over into the session itself. 

In short, icebreakers help focus and engage a group to ensure they get the most out of their collaborative session.

Our icebreaker templates to help build connections

Our team has hand-picked our top four fun icebreaker activities and designed templates to deliver them online.  
  • House Rules
  • Create a safe conversational space where a set of agreed rules can be agreed upon.
  • Photo Wall
  • A colorful, creative collage that lets participants share a friendly fact or two about themselves by way of some conversation starter questions.
  • Two Truths and One Lie
  • A fun and creative way to have participants interact with each other while discovering a fact each is happy to share.
  • Where in the World?
  • A way for people to share a bit of where they are located or where they are from and perhaps to learn something about the area.
You can find these templates in our library of meeting templates and maps.
Related templates

Tips for running effective icebreakers

Who should use an icebreaker?

Anyone who wishes to get more out of their collaborative, meeting, workshop or lesson. This could be because there is a new group of people, or there is a new person to the team. It can also be used to encourage at least everyone saying something at a meeting and to help overcome any initial fears. 

Icebreakers are a proven way of supporting engagement and focus. As such they should be used by:

  • Facilitators
  • Trainers
  • Teachers
  • Coaches
  • Workshop practitioners

In short, anyone overseeing group interaction who is looking to support that group’s effectiveness would benefit from their use.

How to run an icebreaker

An icebreaker helps to set the scene for the session that follows, so it’s important for a facilitator to begin as they wish to go on.

When it comes to online sessions, there are a variety of tools to help. Screen sharing software, video conferencing and online collaboration tools such as GroupMap allow facilitators to deliver inclusive icebreakers. 

GroupMap’s icebreaker templates are deliberately simple in design. This is because most of the time spent during the icebreaker should be spent talking and getting to know each other. Besides just a simple poll that means people simply get lost in a stack of numbers, these ice breakers questions are non-threatening and allow each person to share freely without fear. There is no wrong answers.

Online Icebreakers can also be used to make sure participants know how to use the collaboration tool, add comments, images and ideas, check everyone is able to access the software.


Add input to the template.


Explain the input and why it was included.